Praevius = Lead the Way
The Praevius Group has provided mission critical support to the Department of Defense (DoD) continually since 2006. We specialize in providing expertise in Counter-WMD, law enforcement investigations, countering evolving threat networks, and operational support to Special Operations Forces. Praevius also offers leadership development programs across several industries. We deliver innovative, cost-effective solutions that integrate best practices from 20 years of Counter Terrorism to support Campaigning and Integrated Deterrence. We have past performance with SOCOM, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and SOUTHCOM.
Praevius is an agile, mission-focused team that serves alongside the military in mission-critical roles.
Our company facilitates cross-functional teamwork to tackle complex and emerging problems.

Staffing at:
Combat Support Agencies
Combatant Commands
Joint Organizations
Expertise in Planning, Operations, Exercise, Training, Intelligence, and Technology
Integration of Special Operations Forces (SOF) with Interagency and non-SOF organizations
Law Enforcement advisory support to DoD Operations

Assessment Services:
Exercise, Technology, and Campaigns
Focused and targeted assessment services such as SOUTHCOM Counter Narcotic External Assessment program
Projects providing assessment of discrete missions and technologies for focused mission areas such as organic. all-weather fires

Technology Testing, Experimentation, and Evaluation
Specializing in the implementation of advanced technology in both domestic and overseas environments.
Connecting user expertise with developers to tighten production and fielding timelines and impact
Counter Narcotics
External Assessment
A 7-FTE, 12-month assessment of SOUTHCOM’s Central Transfer Account (CTA) Funding.
We delivered a return on investment (ROI) model that assessed the airborne, maritime, and over the horizon ISR providing detection and monitoring (D&M) of illicit cocaine shipments in the transit zone.
DTRA Decisive Action
A 5-year IDIQ program where Praevius has successfully supported CJCS-funded Joint Exercises, leveraging the Joint Training System (JTS) and CJCS Guide 3501. We guided the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) through critical phases, from reviewing operational plans in the Requirements Phase to advising on joint/agency mission-essential task lists (J/AMETL) during the Plans Phase. Throughout the Execution Phase, our experts aligned support with the Joint Exercise Life Cycle (JELC) and provided comprehensive assistance in workshops, planning conferences, and scenario development. Finally, we delivered assessment insights to identify and address operational gaps.
Focused Support/Decisive Effort (FS/DE)
Counter-Corruption Advisory Group (CCAG)
From 2017-2021, Praevius supported the CCAG in Afghanistan, to include subject matter expertise (SME) leadership of an initial 60-day assessment that laid the groundwork for the standup of the 54-person organization. We helped staff the CCAG team that identified corrupt actors and collaborated with other agencies to act. Praevius’ expertise in expeditionary operations, Law Enforcement—Military partnerships, and corruption identification helped shape this program’s success
Lead the Way
We're looking for motivated professionals who can collaborate in Complex Joint Teams, who want to serve a noble mission, and who always find a way.
Wargaming, Modeling, Simulation, and Table Top Exercise (TTX) Planner
Coming Soon
Advana App Developer
Coming Soon
SOUTHCOM OAI Traceability Analyst (SOTA)
Coming Soon
Knowledge Manager
Coming Soon
Current Ops
Analyst Senior
Coming Soon
S&T Experimentation Planner
Coming Soon